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Heiberg A-C (2013), Biologisk grundlag for målrettet pesticidanvendelse til bekæmpelse af kloakrotten. Miljøprojekt nr. 1418, Miljøstyrelsen

Wolf SReetz JJohne RHeiberg ACPetri SKanig HUlrich RG (2013), The simultaneous occurrence of human norovirus and hepatitis E virus in a Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). Arch Virol. 2013 Feb 27. [Epub ahead of print]

Heiberg A-C, Sluydts V & Leirs H (2012), Uncovering the secret lives of sewer rats (Rattus norvegicus): Movements, distribution and population dynamics revealed by a capture-mark-recapture study. Wildlife Research 39, 202–219

Heiberg A-C (2009), Anticogulant resistance: a relevant issue in sewer rats (Rattus norvegicus) control? Pest Management Science 65, 444-449.

Krøjgaard, LH, Villumsen, S, Markussen, MDK, Jensen, JS, Leir, H & Heiberg A-C (2009), High prevalence of Leptospira spp. in sewer rats (Rattus norvegicus), Epidemiology and Infection 137, 1586-1592.

Markussen MD, Heiberg A-C, Fredholm M, Kristensen M (2008), Differential expression of cytochrome P450 genes between bromadiolone-resistant and anticoagulant-susceptible Norway rats: A possible role for pharmacokinetics in bromadiolone resistance; Pest Management Science 64, 239-248. 

Markussen, MDK, Heiberg, A, Fredholm, M & Kristensen, M (2008), Identification of cytochrome P450 differentiated expression related to developmental stages in bromadiolone resistance in rats (Rattus norvegicus), Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 91, 147-152.

Markussen MD, Heiberg A-C, Alsbo C, Nielsen PS, Kauppinen S, Kristensen M (2007), Involvement of hepatic xenobiotic related genes in bromadiolone resistance in wild Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus (Berk.). Pesticide Biochemestry and Physiolology 88, 284-285.

Markussen, MD, Heiberg, A, Fredholm, M & Kristensen, M (2007), Characterization of Bromadiolone Resistance in a Danish Strain of Norway Rats, Rattus norvegicus, by Hepatic Gene Expression Profiling of VKORC1 and Calumenin, Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 21, 373-381.

Heiberg A-C., Leirs H. and Siegismund H. (2006). Reproductive success of bromadiolone resistant rats in absence of anticoagulant pressure. Pest Management Science 62, 862-871

A.C. Heiberg (2006) Recommendations for rodent management interventions in the Republic of South Africa. 16 pages. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham UK.

Pelz H-J, Rost S, Huenerberg M, Fregin A, Heiberg A-C, Baert K, MacNicoll A, Prescott C, Walker A-S, Oldenburg J and Mueller C (2005). The genetic basis of resistance to anticoagulants in rodents. Genetics 107, 1839-1847.

Markussen M, Heiberg A-C., Nielsen R and Leirs H (2003). Vitamin K requirement in Danish anticoagulant-resistant Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). Pest Management Science 59, 913-920.

Heiberg, A-C., H. Leirs and H. R. Siegismund (2003). Bromadiolone resistance does not respond to absence of anticoagulants in experimental populations. Pp. 461-464 in Rats, Mice and People: Rodent Biology and Management (G. R. Singleton, L. A. Hinds, C. J. Krebs and, D. M. Spratt, eds.) ACIAR Australian Center for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia.

Heiberg A-C (2001), Ph.D afhandling: Population effects of anticoagulant rodenticide resistance in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus).

Artikler pt. under forberedelse til publicering             

Heiberg A-C., Martin-Legéne, Siegismund H and Leirs H,  Habitat fragmentation causing high level of local genetic differentiation in the invasive species; the Brown rat